Health Info

How safe are probiotics for you? 益生菌安全嗎?

How safe are probiotics for you?

How safe are probiotics for you? While probiotics are generally considered safe for most people, it’s essential to understand their potential risks and benefits before using. Are you experiencing these side...

How safe are probiotics for you?

How safe are probiotics for you? While probiotics are generally considered safe for most people, it’s essential to understand their potential risks and benefits before using. Are you experiencing these side...

Consumer watchdog on mosquito repelling products 消委會驅蚊劑 產品測試結果

Consumer watchdog on mosquito repelling products

DEET and piricardin are found to be useful but comes with unnecessary risks. IR3535 products are safe to use with similar efficacy. Our insect repellent is one of the products with...

Consumer watchdog on mosquito repelling products

DEET and piricardin are found to be useful but comes with unnecessary risks. IR3535 products are safe to use with similar efficacy. Our insect repellent is one of the products with...

Consumer watchdog finds more than half of tested probiotic were not correctly labeled 消委會益生菌 僅4成益生菌產品樣本按指引列出菌株

Consumer watchdog finds more than half of teste...

Our Newdirran probiotics are once again tested and recognized by the public and the authority, recently backed by the consumer council. The product's patented formula has been proven safe and...

Consumer watchdog finds more than half of teste...

Our Newdirran probiotics are once again tested and recognized by the public and the authority, recently backed by the consumer council. The product's patented formula has been proven safe and...