Prediabetes: Why Should We Care?
Prediabetes is a condition where blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. It’s a critical warning sign that your body is starting to struggle with regulating sugar normally. Understanding and addressing prediabetes is essential.
Developing diabetes is never a good news. Without appropriate intervention, many prediabetics will develop into diabetes within 5 years. By acting early, you can significantly reduce your risk of progressing into diabetes, which can affect kidneys, eyes, and feet if severe or left untreated.
Unlike diabetes, prediabetes is often reversible. With lifestyle changes such as improved diet, increased physical activity, and weight loss, many people can return their blood sugar levels back to a normal range without the use of any medication. Making healthy changes right away can have lasting benefits for your overall health and well-being.
If you are concerned with prediabetes, a saliva glucose tracker is a good choice. Without an upfront cost, this modern solution is a painless, no blood and an easy way to test for blood sugar level at home.
1 in every 3 individuals are pre-diabetics. Are you one of them?