Pain when walking on stairs? Do this!

Knee pain when walking up or down the stairs is a common issue especially as we age and significantly impacts daily activities. The pain was commonly described as “pins and needle” pain and often discourages individual to walk as the pain was felt on every step taken. 

Knee pain are mainly due to cartilage deterioration, cause pain and inflammation when the joint moves. Walking up the stairs exacerbates the condition as friction is increased. Another reason is due to kneecap overuse and muscle imbalances that results in improper alignment. Activities that put extra stress on knees, such as stair climbing and prolong standing, can also result in knee pain. The reason why pain are usually exacerbated when climbing stairs but not on flat ground is because of the degree of motion. More forces are exerted on knee joints when you are walking on surfaces with an angle, including uphill and downhill, hence your knees will have to bend more, resulting in more pain. 

What should I do to manage knee pain?

When climbing stairs, try to keep your knees aligned with your toes and avoid excessive twisting and inward or outward movement. Use the handrail for support to reduce the load on your knees.

Strengthening and stretching exercises that focus on the muscles around the knees can help maintain flexibility and reduce tension around the knees, it also strengthens your joint and enhances the integrity. Stronger muscles can better support the knee joint and reduce pain. Wearing supportive shoes with good cushion and arch support can also reduce the impact on knees. Maintaining a healthy weight can also reduce the stress on knees, resulting in less pain. 

A physical therapist can provide personalized exercises and techniques to strengthen the knees and help you with minimizing the pain. If this is insufficient, pain killers are also available for immediate management of pain and inflammation. 

Pain when walking on stairs? Do this!
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