Is hyaluronic acid related to collagen?

In the realm of skincare supplements, hyaluronic acid and collagen are two very popular names that stand out from the rest. They are interconnected and each plays a unique role, working synergistically to maintain healthy and youthful skin.  

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the skin that acts as a humectant to attract and retain moisture. It can hold up to 1,000 times its weight in water, making it an essential ingredient for keeping the skin hydrated and plump. This is important as the natural production of hyaluronic acid decreases as we age, resulting in dryness and loss of elasticity. Hyaluronic acid is also the major building block in building and maintaining collagen. They are mostly delivered in creams, but using it orally has enhanced benefits. LipoFast Hyaluronic Acid is a great example of an orally consumed hyaluronic acid as it provides the additional benefit in joints by reducing the popping sound, which is traditionally difficult to achieve without the use of our technology due to the poor bioavailability and absorption rate. 

Collagen is the main structural protein in the skin, providing the basic support for skin structure and maintaining firmness and strength. Like hyaluronic acid, collagen production also diminishes with age, resulting in wrinkles and sagging skin. Apart from skin support, collagen also helps hair, muscles and tendons. 

To provide adequate support to our skin, hyaluronic acid and collagen complement each other and work synergistically.  Adequate hydration and the ability to store water helps collagen fibers to remain flexible, which allows it to function effectively. Although both are equally important, hyaluronic acid not only is difficult to absorb, it is also difficult to have enough of it, making it extremely important to consider using supplements apart from just including it in regular skincare routine. 

Is hyaluronic acid related to collagen?
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